Saturday, August 18, 2007

Today's tip!

Try going to your community's local farmer's market. Usually held once a week, often on the weekend, they are a great place to help support the local economy, as well as find great fresh foods. Buying local also means that the fruits and vegetables you buy will have traveled shorter distances, saving on gas, and meaning they pack a healthier punch of vitamins and minerals. You can also find baked goods, flowers, and plants as well at many farmer's markets. It's an easy way to cut out the middle man and get a great deal on fresh food!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Today's Tip!

Making organic meals doesn't necessarily mean it has to take long to prepare it. Making a quick spaghetti dinner with organic pasta and canned organic tomato sauce is about as easy as it gets. You can feel good knowing that the taste will be great, and what you are putting into your body is free of chemicals, or ingredients you can't pronounce!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Today's tip!

Did you know that most conventional garden hoses for sale today actually contain lead?! Lead is a very dangerous neurotoxin, especially for children. There is a safe alternative though. Marine and RV hoses are specifically labelled "safe for drinking", which means they are lead-free. These are perfect for you children to play with, fill up your pool, as well as your pet's water dishes. With all the toy recalls and new information about the products we are buying and assume are safe but are not, it is important to find new ways to keep your family safe.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Today's tip!

Eliminate aluminum from your diet! Aluminum is found in many foods, as well as food preparation products. Aluminum is like any other metal, it isn't good for your body, and can cause problems. Instead of using aluminum baking sheets or pans, use glass, or cast iron, which is actually great at adding iron to your diet. Avoid drinking soda pop from cans, glass bottles are the best alternative. Avoid using aluminum foil, try cooking with butter or oil instead to help things not stick. Try to buy whole fresh foods instead of aluminum canned products if you can. Foods and drinks will taste better this way, and will provide you more nutrients and vitamins than if you buy or cook with aluminum.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Today's Tip!

Cooking with all organic ingredients may seem like a difficult task to achieve. Start slow, it can be overwhelming to try to find all new organic replacements for what you already use. Every time you go to get things on your grocery list, try to find an organic or all-natural alternative. Many major grocery store chains are carrying their own inexpensive organic alternatives now, so you don't necessarily need to go to a specialty store to find them. Start with things like milk, butter or eggs. You probably will won't notice any difference in taste, except that it will likely taste even better! Remember that no change is easy, and it's hard to get in the habit of buying a new brand when you are comfortable with another that you may have used for years. But you can be confident knowing that what you are buying is better for your body and the earth!